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Jennifer Andrus

Jennifer Andrus

Department Chair
3702 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Legal rhetorics
  • Rhetorics of domestic violence
  • Discourse analysis

Selected Awards

University Research Grant, University of Utah: $1960.
Grant to compensate focus group and interview participants in the WRTG 1010 Retention and Student Persistence Study.

University Teaching Grant, University of Utah: $912.91.
Grant to bring in Dr. Jody Shipka to lead a workshop for undergraduate and graduate students.

University Teaching Grant, University of Utah: $1604.69.
Grant to purchase audio recording and transcription equipment for use in the courses such as Discourse Analysis.

Books & Articles

Entextualizing Domestic Violence: Language Ideology and Violence Against Women in the Anglo-American Hearsay Principle. Oxford University Press, 2015.

“Victim Agency: Fractal Recursivity in the Language Ideology of the US Law of Evidence and Domestic Violence.” Language in Society, 41.5 (December 2012), 589-614.

Nona Brown

Nona Young Brown

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
3890 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Popular Culture Rhetorics
  • Online Rhetoric
  • Multi-Modal Rhetoric

Classes Teaching Fall 2023

WRTG 3018: Writing about Popular Culture
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric

College Diversity Task Force. Appointed in 2020. Two year appointment.

Rachel Bryson






Rachel Bryson

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

Interests Include

  • Combine Disability Studies frameworks with theories and practices of technical communication and composition, particularly in how those theories coalesce around learning design in higher education. Specifically, she studies faculty responsiveness to student disclosures of less-apparent disabilities, such as mental health disability, and how policies, practices, and documentation surrounding disability accommodation both afford and constrain opportunities for student persistence and retention.

  • Her goals as a teacher and researcher are to create more broadly inclusive and accessible classroom learning communities where students can share in the challenges and joys of higher education.

Classes Teaching Fall 2023

WRTG 2010: Intermedate Writing

WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing and Editing

Zachariah Chatterley

Zachariah Chatterley

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
3890 LNCO

Interests Include

First-year writing

Classes Teaching Fall 2021

WRTG 1010

First-year Writing Placement Committe, Chair


Tracey Daniels-Lerberg
Trace Daniels

Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Editor, Forum: Issues about Contingent and Part-Time Faculty
University Teaching Committee

3890 LNCO 

Interests Include
  • Feminist & Gendered Rhetorics
  • Embodied Rhetorics
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Animal and Environmental Studies
  • American Literature & Film Studies
Classes Teaching Fall 2023

WRTG 4970 Rhetorics of Gender

WRTG 7760 Feminist Rhetorics

Books & Articles

“Watershed Ethics and Dam Politics: Mapping Biopolitics, Race and Resistance in Sleep Dealer and Watershed,” edited collection, Make Waves: Essays on Water in Contemporary Literature and Film University of Nevada Press. Oct. 2019.

Daniels-Lerberg, Tracey & Lerberg, Matthew (2018). “To ‘See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate’: Princess Mononoke and the Quest for Environmental Balance” . Bloomsbury Publishing. Published, 01/11/2018.

Courtney Cronley, Kristopher Kilgore & Tracey Daniels-Lerberg (2017). "A Multivariate Analysis of Writing Skills in BSW Case Study Papers". Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work. Vol. 22, 181-205. Published, 12/24/2017.

Samah Elbelazi

Samah Elbelazi

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
3890 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Cultural rhetoric
  • Arts-based research
  • Poetic ethnography
  • Muslim rhetoric
  • Multilingual studies

Scholars for the Dream Travel Awards (CCCC 2020).

The ArtCatalyzst Award, Stanford University (2018).

Postdoctoral Teaching-Fellowship. Program in Writing and Rhetoric, Stanford University (2017/2019).

Elbelazi, S. and Alharbi, L. (2019). The exotic other’: A poetic autoethnography of two Muslim teachers in higher education. Qualitative Inquiry Journal. 1(6).

Elbelazi, S. (2018). My journey to define Libyan feminism. Feminism and Religion. 

Elbelazi, S. and Alharbi, L. (2018). Book review of Research Methods for Language Teaching: Inquiry, Process, and Synthesis by Netta Avineri. CATESOL Journal 30(1). 326-328.

Romeo García

Romeo García

Assistant Professor
3626 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Critical Theory 
  • Cultural Studies 
  • Latino/a and Latin American Studies 
  • Decolonial Studies 
  • Indigenous Studies 
  • Settler Colonial Studies 
  • Rhetorical Theory and Cultural Rhetorics 
  • Writing Center Studies 

Selected Awards

University of Utah College of Humanities “Rising Star in the Humanities” award (2020-2021).

García, Romeo. “Unmaking Gringo-Centers.” The Writing Center Journal, vol.36, no. 1, 2017, pp. 29-60.

  • Selected for the 2019 Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition
  • Selected for Reprint in Landmark Essays, Routledge


Romeo García & LuMing Mao. “Forum on the Future of Comparative, Postcolonial, and Decolonial Work.” University of Utah. College of Humanities. 2020. $10,000.

Romeo García & Christie Toth. “Symposium on Inter-Institutional Transfer and Writing Centers.” University of Utah. College of Humanities. 2020. $2,400.

Books & Articles

Cortez, Josè, and Romeo García. “In Preparation for Alterity: The Absolute Limit of Latinx Writing.” CCC, vol. 71, no. 2, 2020.

García, Romeo, and Jose Cortez. “The Trace of a Mark that Scatters.” RSQ, vol. 50, no. 2, 2020.

García, Romeo. “A Settler Archive: A Site for a Decolonial Praxis Project.” constellations: A Cultural Rhetorics Publishing Space, vol. 1, no. 2, n.p., 2019.

García, Romeo. “Haunt(ed/ing) Genealogies and Literacies.” Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 19, no. 1, 2019, pp. 230-252.

García, Romeo. “The Predicament of ‘Being There’: Conflict and Emotional Labor.” Navigating Challenges in Qualitative Educational Research, edited by Todd Ruecker and Vanessa Svihla. Routledge, 2019, pp. 67-79.

García, Romeo and Beatrice Mendez Newman. “Teaching with Border Writers: Reconstructing Narratives of Difference, Mobility, Translingualism, and Hybridity.” Teaching Writing with Bordered Writers: Lessons Learned at Hispanic-Serving Institutions, edited by Isabel Baca, Yndalecio Hinojosa, and Susan Wolff Murphy. SUNY Press, 2019, pp. 125-146.

García, Romeo, Joanne, Claudia, and Christie Toth. “‘Work’ As Taking and Making Place.” Journal of College Literacy and Learning, vol. 45, 2019, pp. 104-106.

García, Romeo, Iris Ruiz, Anita Hernandez, and Maria Carvajal Regidor. Viva Nuestro Caucus: The Latino/a Caucus. Parlor Press, 2019.

Editor with Damián Baca. Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise: Contested Modernities, Decolonial Visions. 2019. 

García, Romeo and Yndalecio Hinojosa. “Resistance: Embodied Narratives, Anti-Racist Agendas, and Compassionate Pedagogy.” On Teacher Neutrality: Praxis, Politics, and Performativity, edited by Daniel Richards. Utah State University Press. Forthcoming. 2019.






Kendall Gerdes

Associate Professor
3612 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Student activism
  • Rhetorical theory
  • Queer & feminist rhetorics
  • Digital rhetorics
  • Video games

L. Jackson Newell Fellowship in the Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Utah, 2023-2024.

Rising Star in the Humanities, College of Humanities, University of Utah, 2023.

Teaching Innovation Award, College of Arts & Sciences, Texas Tech University, 2018.

Sensitive Rhetorics: Academic Freedom and Campus Activism. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024.

"Writing a Videogame: Rhetoric, Revision, and Reflection." With coauthors M. Beal and S. Cain. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, vol. 4, no. 2, 2020, pp. 3-12.

Reinventing (with) Theory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Eds. Andrea Alden, Kendall Gerdes, Judy Holiday, and Ryan Skinnell. University Press of Colorado/Utah State University Press, 2019.

Jay Jordan

Jay Jordan  

Director of Graduate Studies
3624 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Disciplinary writing of multilingual/international students
  • Intersections of contemporary rhetorical theory and multilingual composition
  • Transnational Education

Selected Awards

Mentor, Naylor Workshop on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies

Past Member, CCCC Executive Committee

Invited Presentations in Korea, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand

University of Utah Excellence in Global Education Award

Books & Articles

WAC/WID in a Transnational Startup: A Korean-American Study. Forthcoming. WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.

“Beyond ‘Coping’ to Natural Language Work: A Case Study at a Transnational Campus.” Invited chapter. English Across the Curriculum: Voices from Around the World. Ed. Bruce Morrison, Julia Chen, Linda Lin, and Alan Urmston. Parlor Press, 2021.

“Future Perfect Tense: Kairos as a Heuristic for Reconciliation.” Invited chapter. Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing. Ed. Tony Silva and Zhaozhe Wang. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2020. 

“Rhetoric’s Outliers in Second Language Writing: A Corpus-Based Study.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 24.2 (2020).

Matt Lerberg






Matt Lerberg

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

Interests Include

  • Rhetoric and Composition
  • Environmental Studies, and Critical Theory)
  • The intersections of rhetoric, posthumanism, environmental studies, science fiction, popular culture, and critical theory.  

Classes Teaching Fall 2023

WRTG 3012: Writing in the Social Sciences

Selected Awards


Amy Mallory-Kani






Amy Mallory-Kani

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

Interests Include

  •  First-year writing, writing in the disciplines, and 18th-century and Romantic British literature 
  • Critical reading practice in the writing classroom and how library and writing faculty can collaborate to integrate information literacy skills into first-year writing curriculum. 

Classes Teaching Fall 2023

WRTG 2010 Intermediate Writing


LuMing Mao

LuMing Mao

(On Leave)

3528 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Comparative/Cultural Rhetorics
  • Rhetorical Historiography
  • Asian/Asian American Rhetorics
  • Chinese Rhetorics
  • Translingualism
  • Critical Discourse Analysis

Selected Awards & Presentations

“Echoes of the Past: Virus, Xenophobia, and Memory in Search of a More Perfect Nation.” Sam Houston State University, November 6, 2020 (on Zoom). Invited Talk.

Recently appointed Director of International Initiatives, College of Humanities

Recently named an Editorial Board Member for Contemporary Rhetoric, the premier journal for rhetoric studies in China


Romeo García & LuMing Mao. “Forum on the Future of Comparative, Postcolonial, and Decolonial Work.” University of Utah. College of Humanities. 2020. $10,000.

“Redefining Comparative Rhetoric: Essence, Facts, Events.” The Routledge Handbook of Comparative World Rhetorics. Ed. Keith Lloyd. New York: Routledge, 2021. 15-33. (The Chinese version of this essay appeared in Contemporary Rhetoric 226.4 (2021): 14-32.)

Special Symposium Editor, “Rhetoric and Writing.” Contemporary Rhetoric 226.4 (2021): 13-41.

Review of The Rhetoric of Mao Zedong: Transforming China and Its People. Rhetorica 38.1 (2020):126-129.

Maureen A. Mathison

Maureen A. Mathison

Associate Professor
3710 LNCO 

Interests Include

  • Rhetoric in the Disciplines
  • Critical Science Studies
  • Research Methods
  • Literacy Studies

Selected Awards & Presentations

University of Utah "Distinguished Teaching Award" (2023-2024).

"Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award", College of Humanities (2023-2024).

University of Utah College of Humanities, "Distinguished Service in the Humanities" award (2020-2021).

Faculty Release for Scholarly Pursuits. Spring, 2020

  • Title: Social Contexts and the Rhetoric of Scientific Controversy

M.A. Mathison & A. DeGrauw (forthcoming). Leveraging Grant-Writing for Transforming Students' Normative Views of STEM. Across the Disciplines.

Mathison, M.A. (2021). Scientific Letters and Commentaries in their Social and Historical Contexts. Routledge Handbook of Scientific Communication. Cristina Hanganu-Bresch, Michael Zerbe, Gabriel Cutrufello, and Stefania Maci (Eds.). London: Routledge.

Mathison, M. A. (2019) (Ed). Sojourning in Disciplinary Cultures: A Case Study of Teaching Writing in Engineering. Utah State University Press, Composition Studies Series. (10 chapters, 182 pages).

Anne McMurtrey

Anne McMurtrey

Director of the University Writing Center
MLib 2701

Interests Include

Improving on and further expanding the writing center's service to support our students across the campus and to meet their varying needs.

Classes Teaching Fall 2023

WRTG 4020

WRTG 6020

Recent Presentations

Title IX Compliance, and Unexpected Opportunities for Bridge-Building. IWCA (International Writing Centers Association) Conference, 13 March 2019 

“Structure, Nurture, and Paperwork: Creating a Writing Center Course to Support Diverse and Underrepresented Populations,” CWWTC Tutor Con, Denver, CO. February 15-16, 2019.

Natalie Stillman-Webb

Natalie Stillman-Webb

Professor (Lecturer),
Department Coordinator for online teaching/pedagogy
3890 LNCO 

Interests Include

  • Writing in Disciplines
  • Writing for Multimedia
  • Visual Communication
  • Technical or Business Writing
  • Scientific Writing
  • Online Education

Selected Awards

Appointed to the University’s Committee on Student Affairs. Academic year 2020-2021.

2020 Online Excellence Award. For maintaining educational integrity while redesigning your courses and student orientation sessions and, at the same time, providing support for your colleagues and other teachers.

Emergent Researcher Award from the Conference on College Composition and Communication. The $10,000 award will fund a research project, “Cross-Institutional Study of Communities of Inquiry in Blended and Online Composition”

Books & Articles

Bedford Bibliography of Research in Online Writing Instruction. (introduction co-author, section editor and contributor). Ed. Heidi Skurat Harris. Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2017. Published, 02/08/2017.

"Writing Beliefs and Mentoring Practices: Advisor Perspectives on Post/Graduate Writing Instruction in the Sciences." Research Literacies and Writing Pedagogies for Masters and Doctoral Writers. Ed. Cally Guerin and Cecile Badenhorst. Brill, 2015. Published, 10/2015.

Jon Stone

Jonathan Stone

Associate Professor
Director of First-Year Writing
3708 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Sensory Rhetorics
  • Environmental Rhetorics 
  • Rhetorical Historiography 
  • Multimodal Composition 

Seleced Awards

University of Utah College of Humanities “Rising Star in the Humanities” award (2019-2020).

University Research Committee (URC) Faculty Fellow, University of Utah (2018-2019).

Books, Articles, & Presentations

Stone, J. (under contract) Listening to the Lomax Archive: The Sonic Rhetorics of American Folksong in the 1930s. University of Michigan Press. (Forthcoming).

“Talking about Talking about Religion: The Study of Mormon Rhetorics” co-authored with Christie Toth. Under review. (August 2019).

“(In)Hospitable Archives: Listening to Sonic Rhetorics of Music, Race, and History” Rhetoric Society of America. Portland, OR. June 2020. (accepted panel presentation).

“Mapping Rhetorics of Sonic History” Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Milwaukee, WI. March 2020 (accepted panel presentation).

“Listening to the Lomax Archive” invited talk at the University of Alberta, Sound Studies Institute. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. February 12, 2020.  

“Sounds Like Rhetoric!” Invited talk at the Dee Grant Reception, Red Butte Garden, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2019.

Christie Toth






Christie Toth

Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
3706 LNCO

Interests Include

  • Two-year college writing studies
  • Writing assessment
  • Indigenous rhetorics
  • Settler colonial studies

Selected Awards

Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies Chair’s Award (University of Utah, 2021)

Early Career Teaching Award (University of Utah, 2020)

Faculty Member of the Game (University of Utah, 2019)

Faculty Teaching Award for Innovation in General Education (University of Utah, 2018)

Council of Dee Fellows Recognition for Teaching Excellence (University of Utah, 2018)

Career & Professional Development Center Faculty Recognition Award (University of Utah, 2018)

Mark Reynolds Best Article Award (Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 2015)

David & Linda Moscow Prize for Excellence in Teaching Composition (University of Michigan, 2013)

Books & Articles

Toth, Christie, et al. Transfer in an Urban Writing Ecology: Reimagining Community College-University Relations in Composition Studies, Parts I-III.CCCC Studies in Writing & Rhetoric/NCTE Book Program, 2022.

Toth, Christie. “Getting Thorny: Elisabeth McPherson and the ‘Robust Activist Tradition’ of Two-Year College English.” Basic Writing E-Journal 16.1 (pp. 1-54). 2020.

Toth, Christie, Patrick Sullivan, and Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt. “Two-Year College Teacher-Scholar-Activism: Reconstructing the Disciplinary Matrix of Writing Studies.”
College Composition and Communication 71.1 (pp. 86-116). 2019.

Toth, Christie. “Directed Self-Placement in Two-Year Colleges: A Kairotic Moment.” Journal of Writing Assessment12.1. 2019.

Toth, Christie. “Directed Self-Placement at ‘Democracy’s Open Door’: Writing Placement and Social Justice in Two-Year Colleges” Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and Advancement of Opportunity, edited by Mya Poe, Asao Inoue, and Norbert Elliot, pp. 139-172. University Press of Colorado, 2018.

Jensen, Darin and Christie Toth. “Unknown Knowns: The Past, Present, and Future of Graduate Preparation for Two-Year College English Faculty.” College English 29.4 (pp. 561-592). 2017.

Gere, Anne Ruggles, Elizabeth Hutton, Ben Keating, Anna Knutson, Naomi Silver, and Christie Toth. “Mutual Adjustments: Learning from and Responding to Transfer Student Writers.” College English79.4 (pp. 333-357). March 2017.

Alex Way

Alex Way

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
3890 LNCO

Interests include
  • Translingualism
  • Transnational Writing
  • Multimodality
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Second Language Writing
  • Translation and Localization
  • WRTG 2010 Intermediate Writing
  • WRTG 3014 Scientific Writing
  • International Travel & Research Grant, University of Utah: $1,250
  • (En)countering Monolingualism: A Transnational Sensemaking of Graduate Education. Co-authored with Emily Yuko Cousins and Joe Franklin. Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition. Eds. Carrie Kilfoil and Nancy Bou Ayash. University Press of Colorado. (April 2023)
  • Editors’ Introduction: Conferencing Toward Antiracism-Reckoning with the Past, Reimagining the Present.” Co-authored with Andrea R. Olinger, Michael J. Benjamin, and Caitlin Burns Allen. Writers: Craft & Context, Vol. 3 No. 1. (November 2022)

Interests Include

  • First-year writing
  • Veteran Studies
  • Investigative Environmental Writing

Seleced Awards

Dee Council Grant. Myth and Reason in Centennial Valley, MT.  July-October, 2018.

Books & Articles

Of wolves, George Floyd, and the limits of human empathy." Ecological Citizen. 2020. 

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf: Textual Manipulations in Anti-wolf Rhetoric." Counterpunch. 2020.

Cold Blessings (poems).  Educe Press. March, 2019.

“The Night of Terror: Wyoming Game and Fish’s Latest Attempt to Close the Book on the Mark Uptain Tragedy.” The Greanville Post. February 6, 2019.

Hua Zhu

Hua Zhu

Assistant Professor 
3712 LNCO
Interests Include
  • Comparative global rhetorics
  • Non-Eurocentric history of rhetoric
  • Transnational writing pedagogy
  • Chinese rhetoric
Honors and Awards
  • 2023 NEH-Incentive Fellowship, College of Humanities, University of Utah 
  • 2023 Faculty Research Fellowship in the Humanities, Tanner Humanities Center,University of Utah 
  • 2023 Kickstart Pilot Funding, College of Humanities, University of Utah 
  • 2023 NEH Writing Workshop Funds, The Office of Vice President for Research and College of Humanities, University of Utah

  • 2022 University Teaching Grant, University Teaching Committee, University of Utah  
  • Honorable Mention for the 2021 Rhetoric Society of America Dissertation Award
  • 2019 Scholars for the Dream Travel Award by Conference on College Composition and Communication
  • 2019 College of Arts and Science Graduate Student Teaching Award by College of Arts and Science, Miami University
  • 2019-2020 Dissertation Fellowship by Graduate School of Miami University 
  • 2021 International and Area Studies Curriculum Development Grant by the Center for Latin American Studies and the Asia Center
  • Zhu, Hua. Single-authored book. Interconnectivity and Power Transformation: Enacting the Rhetoric of According-with. In-Progress.
  • Zhu, Hua. "Interconnectivity and Power Subversion: Enacting the Rhetoric of According-With."Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 16 May. 2023.
  • Zhu, Hua and Yebing Zhao. “Enacting Comparative Pedagogies as Common Topics.” The Routledge Handbook of Comparative World Rhetorics: Studies in the History, Application, and Teaching of Rhetoric Beyond Traditional Greco-Roman Contexts, edited by Keith Lloyd, Routledge, 2020, pp. 340-352.
  • Zhu, Hua, translator. “Chaoyue Yalishiduode Qu Sikao: Bijiao Xiucixue de Shiyong Zhuanxiang” [“Thinking Beyond Aristotle: The Turn to How in Comparative Rhetoric” by LuMing Mao]. Contemporary Rhetorical Studies: Chen WangDao Forum Collection, edited by Zhu KeYi, Fudan University Press, 2018, pp. 328-342. [“超越亚里士多德去思考:比较修辞学的使用转向”《当代修辞学的多元阐释:“望道修辞学论坛”论文集萃》(第二辑). 祝克懿主编 ,复旦大学出版社, 2018.]
  • Zhu, Hua. Book Review of Hui Wu’s Guiguzi, China’s First Treatise on Rhetoric: A Critical Translation and Commentary. Rhetorica, vol. 36, no. 1, 2018, pp. 100-102.
  • Zhu, Hua. Book Review of Xiaoye You’s Cosmopolitan English and TransliteracyComposition Forum, vol. 40, Fall 2018.
  • Zhu, Hua. “Rhetorical Listening: Guiguzi and Feminists in Dialogue.” Chinese Rhetorical Tradition and Communication, edited by Hui Wu, special issue of China Media Research, vol. 15, no. 1, 2019, pp. 3-12.




Asia Campus Faculty

Brandy Bippes

Brandy Bippes

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Office Location: U708

Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus

EAS 1040: Grammar & Editing
WRTG 1010: Introduction to Writing

Originally from rural Eastern Washington State, Brandy Bippes is an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of English writing & rhetoric at the University of Utah Asia Campus.

Professor Bippes has completed her PhD coursework in Technical Communication & Rhetoric through Texas Tech University with a specialization in second language issues with a strong pedagogical focus. She brings several years of entrepreneurship combined with international work and study to the field.

Originally from rural Eastern Washington State, Brandy Bippes is an Associate Instructor (Lecturer) of English writing & rhetoric at the University of Utah Asia Campus. Professor Bippes has completed her PhD coursework in Technical Communication & Rhetoric through Texas Tech University with a specialization in second language issues with a strong pedagogical focus. She brings several years of entrepreneurship combined with international work and study to the field. Her most recent work studies mechanisms of international students’ matriculation to U.S. universities. Her passion lies in the interdisciplinary unification of seemingly disparate studies between applied linguistics and technology. In addition to her focus in international pedagogy and applied linguistics (TESL), she is an adept instructor in corporate training business education, and courses that teach others how to teach in her broad wheelhouse from computer science, basic programming, computer applications, and technical communication. She considers herself a rhetorician dedicated to simplifying complex communications tasks of nearly any type. She recently co-developed an International Bridge Pilot for colleges in Washington, directed a multi-site tutoring center, and edited several copy-left publications in writing across the curriculum. On her spare time, Professor Bippes likes to spend time outdoors—especially near plenty of trees and water! She loves to cook and sew clothes for her daughters. A world traveler, she has lived, worked, studied, and researched in many countries. Korea is her 14th country to fall in love with.


Jacquie Hebert

Jacquie Hebert

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Office Location: U710

Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus

WRTG 1010 : Introduction to Writing
WRTG 2010: Intermediate Writing

Jacquie Hebert is an assistant professor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah Asia Campus. Prior to joining the University of Utah, Jacquie Hebert was a longtime faculty member at Douglas College in New Westminster, Canada, where she taught a wide range of courses and served as coordinator in both the EAP and TESL teacher training programs. Earlier in her career, Jacquie Hebert lived in Korea for several years and was a visiting lecturer at Korea University in Seoul and Keimyung University in Daegu. Jacquie earned her M.Ed. in English Education (TESL) at the University of British Columbia and her LL.B. from the University of Ottawa. Her research interests are learner motivation, learning technologies, and experiential learning. In her free time, she enjoys spending time hiking and biking outdoors and traveling with her husband.

Nathan Meyer

Nathan Meyer

Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Office Location: U707

Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus

WRTG 1010 : Introduction to Writing
WRTG 2010: Intermediate Writing

Nathan Meyer is an assistant professor of writing and rhetoric at the University of Utah Asia Campus. He earned his BA and MA from California State Universities, teaching certificates from Cambridge, Harvard, and Duke, and his international education includes extensive language studies throughout Europe and Latin America. Before joining the University of Utah, he was a lecturer and course developer for universities in the United States, China, and Europe.  From 2014-17 he was a US State Dept. English Language Fellow in Serbia and Moldova where he was a university lecturer, curriculum developer, and teacher trainer.  His work in cultural affairs included founding a NGO promoting post-conflict resolution through literary arts in former Yugoslavia and citizen diplomacy projects throughout the Balkans and Eastern Europe.  In continuing collaborations with the State Dept., he has built media literacy programs in Ukraine, lead university curriculum and instruction training sessions in Turkey, and developed nation-wide teacher training programs in Serbia, Slovakia, and Moldova.  His current research interests include hybrid course design, pedagogies based in sports science, and narrative-based learning.

Scott Morris

Scott Morris

Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Office Location: U706

Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus

WRTG 1010 : Introduction to Writing
WRTG 2010: Intermediate Writing

Scott Russell Morris earned a PhD in English at Texas Tech University. He earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Brigham Young University. His main research interest is the history and theory of the personal essay and memoir writing. Inside that specialty he is interested in food and travel writing, recreation and leisure theory, spiritual writing, and development of creativity. His essays have appeared in various publications, including Brevity, The Chattahoochee Review, SLAB, Proximity Magazine, and elsewhere

Hugh Erik Schuckman






Hugh Schuckman

Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Office Location: U709

Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus

 RELS 3500: Religions of Asia
ECS 4111: School and Society
UGS 2230: Global Citizenship
UGS 2273: Global Citizenship 2
WRTG 2010: Intermediate Writing
WRTG 2905: Rhetoric of Yoga
WRTG 2906: Rhetoric of Democracy
WRTG 4020: Theory & Practice of the Writing Center


Hugh Schuckman serves as the Asia Campus Chair for the Writing & Rhetoric Department and Director of the UAC Writing Center. He earned an MA at Columbia University, New York City in the field of Buddhist Studies and later completed a Masters of Theological Studies at Harvard University. Having taught in a variety of countries (Japan, S. Korea, and Mongolia), he focused on education at UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and received a Ph.D. in International and Comparative Education. Before joining the faculty at University of Utah, Professor Schuckman taught research writing at Prince Sultan University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) and Korea Development Institute of Public Policy and Management (Seoul, Korea). He currently teaches classes in the departments of Religious Studies, Writing and Rhetoric Studies, and Education at the Utah Asia Campus. In his free time, Professor Schuckman loves to travel and explore new countries with his wife and daughters. His other passion is yoga; he trained to become a yoga teacher in Rishikesh, India, and teaches yoga classes in Songdo.


Allison Segal

Allison Segal

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Office Location: U769

Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus

WRTG 1010 : Introduction to Writing
WRTG 2010: Intermediate Writing
WRTG 3016: Business Writing
WRTG 3870: Writing as Social Practice

Allison Segal is an Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah Asia Campus. Previously, Allison Segal was a Visiting Professor at Incheon National University where she served as coordinator of the English General Education Department and developed multiple English Immersion Programs. She earned a doctorate of education at the University of Louisiana Monroe with a focus on teaching English and writing to ESL/EFL students. Allison Segal earned an MA in English from Clayton State University. Allison Segal’s research areas include teaching writing, teaching English, ESL/EFL studies, Shakespeare, Pop Culture, and Curriculum Development. Allison Segal has worked with Oxford University Press and Bob Books to develop curriculum for English language learning.




Emeritus Faculty

Thomas Huckin

Thomas Huckin 

Professor Emeritus


Retired Faculty

Maureen Clark
Maureen Clark

Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Retired

Last Updated: 9/17/24